28范文 >演讲稿





during my high school years, i have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics interesting. actually, i am interested in many subjects such as biology, history, geography, chinese, and english. but somehow i cannot remember the historical events or the facts about geography in detail. i cannot remember biological terms well, either. on the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to me. after considering my interests and talents i feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. i would like to study science or engineering in college. after graduation from college i hope to go for higher education overseas. eventually i would like to return to school to teach. this is my career plan.


college students' career planning

in recent years,more and more colleges lay stress on the education of college students' career planning.

as we all know,nowadays,there are cut-throat competitions in the society everywhere. in reality,the competition for job-seeking is also very intense. every year,there are a lot of students graduating from different universities to be chosen by companies,which prefer employees having better ability and skills. so graduates are forced to plan their job career in advance. if they want to have a satisfying job,they have to make enough preparations. only in this way,can they get to set a clear goal and make efforts for it. and students' career planning surely can promote us to some extent.

college students are supposed to plan their career better. in my opinion,we should study majority well first. then,we have to learn to use computer skillful,which will play an important role in the future. last but not least,we should try our best to expand our horizons. for example,we can do more reading,lear more social skills and take into practice more often,etc.


又是一个新学期了,初三也就剩下这短短百来天的光阴,也是决定命运的时刻。在这关键的时期里,我一定要认真,仔细地规划每一分钟,专心投入到每天艰苦卓绝的学习中来。曾经有一位老师对我说,“态度决定一切。”要以良好的态度去面对学习。挑战自己,相信自己,也算是成功的秘诀吧!我个人认为:人一生的时间的有限的,时间不等人,因为这是我初中生涯的最后一段时间,我不会放过从我身边飞过的每一寸光阴,挣取把握好身边的每分每秒。除经过了初中两年半的学习,我想我对于初中的学习已经积累了很多的经验,在这两年的`学习生活中我也改掉了很多不好的习惯,也学会了不少,最大的一点就是开始知道什么才算得上是认真学习。 我认为,学习中不可忽略的一点就是要学会分析自己的学习特点,像我——学习和理解能力还算可以,老师讲的东西不是不懂,但却总出错(用家长们的话说就是不认真,粗心),而且对于一些死记硬背才能学会的东西总觉得不耐烦,因此,在这点上,我希望自己能在新学期里对待学习更认真,更有耐心。

我觉得,在学习中,确定学习目标也是很重要的,学习目标是学生学习努力的方向,正确的学习目标更是能催人奋进。反之,没有目标的学习,就是对时光一种极大的浪费。我在新学期为自己定制了我自己的目标,已经深埋在我心中,我会按着这个目标努力,发奋图强,争取有新收获。最关键的一点,就是要科学合理地安排时间。没有合理的安排,再好的计划也会付之东流。所以,在新学期里,我要合理安排学习、休息的时间,要把每一点一滴宝贵的时间都抓紧。虽说是初三,但必要的休息与锻炼还是必不可少的。我希望能在体育上不增加今后考试的心理负担,所以,加强体育锻炼迫在眉睫,也是最近几十天的一大艰巨的任务。 在具体的学习上,我认为,我应当注意薄弱环节,查漏补缺。我觉得首先应该做到的是认真听课,将老师课上所讲内容完全消化,让思维与老师同步。一般先以课本为先,书上的内容是基础。在掌握的基础上,做专项训练,按层次补缺和提高。我还需要建立一本错题集,将在练习中做错的题目和尚未弄懂的题目及时记录下来,逐一解决,形成巩固。在复习中应该提倡务实精神,也应该重视规范化和格式化,要养成科学,严谨的态度。因为任何一次不规范的答题都有可能造成失分。 计划写完了,我想,按照惯例,似乎还应该加上几句鼓励的话,但我觉得,有一句话会胜过许许多多鼓励的语言,那么,我就以它作为我学习计划的结尾吧,那就是——我行,一定行。


on january 13, jin weijie, a teacher from longhua chinese-english experimental school in baoan rushed to save four primary school students and sacrifice herself.

on march 31, a traffic accident happened in jiangsu province, once again, a primary school teacher, yin xuemei, saved six primary school students’ lives, while losing her own. this touched my heart deeply. who is the greatest? the teacher! if it was me, if i happened to be there, i would do the same thing, because i am a teacher, too.

working as a teacher, maybe there is nothing special in their life. but we have a belief deep within, that is --we must protect our students, keep our children safe, we won’t let any of them get hurt. just as what the commissioner of education in jiangsu province said: “the accident happened so quickly, it happened in a flick of an eye, there is no time to think about it or hesitate, saving the others is an instinctive action. she did it only because she was of great stature. she forgot about herself in the heat of the moment. ”

there is no doubt, teachers are worth all respect! teachers are selfless! they impart knowledge to the students, they offer ways and skills of learning to their students, and they offer their lives with no hesitancy when necessary! so i am proud of being a teacher. i like students, teaching will be my life-time career.

choosing the right career is very important, most of us spend a great part of our lives doing jobs. some of us have become very successful. mainly because they have chosen appropriate careers which match their talents and stimulate their interests . i prefer teaching english. english is my favorite. in my opinion, teaching english is more wonderful than any other subject.

there are thousands of different languages in the world. which language is the most important? as we know, english is an international language, and it could be used all over the world. english is becoming more and more important and popular in china. we adults learn english, school students learn english, even the babies in the kindergarten learn english. it’s a necessary language if you want to go abroad, it’s an essential quality for the researchers to get the latest information in the world quickly. in an age of fast communication, if we want to learn about the outside world, english is definitely the language we should know.

let’s take a look at a practical viewpoint, if you’re looking for a job that can provide you a good position and a high salary, understanding english often makes it much easier. it can’t be denied that english is very important if you want to make a good living. english is a very important language no matter what you do or where you go, millions of people would like to master english, but it’s not a piece of cake.

so being an english teacher is good. i am fortunate that i can express my opinions in english. so i am lucky i can teach english.

furthermore, being an english teacher, i am very content. i am so grateful to have a life that is filled with teenagers’ trust and love. when my students answer my questions correctly, when they discuss passionately, when they communicate with foreigners fluently, when i see the slowest in thought make progress, i know i have done a great job. nothing can replace my pleasure.

so being an english teacher, i have got fantastic pleasure. it is english that makes my life wonderful. it is english that makes me feel confident. it is english that makes me different

if there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, i won’t choose anything except being an english teacher.

i enjoy my job, and i love my life.


i always knew that i wanted to apply for english-related jobs.my dream career is an english interpreter.and i want to be an english teacher after i quit the interpreting job.i don't just want to be confined by one job.changing my career once or twice,i can acquire different experience and enrich my life.as part of my career planning i made a strict schedule for myself to keep to.in my first year in university,i extended my vocabulary and learned grammar very hard.

i knew that i should have a thorough grounding in english if i wanted to use it fluently in the future,especially if i wanted to translate freely.in grade two,i began to apply for some part-time interpreting jobs.i knew that i should gain enough work experience, so as to win in the exceedingly competitive job market.moreover,i got to know more foreigners,who would help me a lot with my future job.now in grade three, i begin to send my cv to foreign-owned companies for internship.i clearly know that it is too late if i send cv to apply for jobs when graduation is close-at-hand.in grade four,if the company where i have the internship is content with me,i would stay there after graduating from the university.if not,i would send cvs to other companies.

after earning enough money and acquiring enough experience,i would change my career into an english teacher.being a teacher i would have more spare time to be at my disposal.with my good mastering of english i think i am qualified for an english teacher.as for the teaching skills,i would certainly attend some good teachers' classes to learn from them.i would also communicate with the students to get to know what they are thinking and what they really need.

during the years as a teacher,i would teach the students my own way of english learning,show the outside world to them,and introduce new ideas to them,so as to broaden their horizons.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
